Monday, August 14, 2017

Seller Beware

As I declutter my life, I've become quite the pro at selling things online. I started out using Varage Sale and was mildly successful, but once the interest in my things started to fade, I moved on to LetGo. I had renewed success, and still periodically sell items there, but my latest venture is on Facebook Marketplace. 

The great thing about all of these websites is that some really random people are looking for some really random things. For example, I recently made a chunk of change selling iris plants from my back yard which had to be dug up and divided anyway. I've sold everything from old free weights to flower pots to barely used bath and body stuff. 

I also have several pair of really cute shoes listed for sale. So when Tyson sent me a message on LetGo asking about a pair of Nine West heels, I thought "ok, it's probably a dude. but maybe not. whatever blows your skirt up, as long as you buy the shoes". His first request was to send a few photos of my feet in the shoes. Strange? A little. But when you're buying shoes site unseen, I can understand wanting to know what they really look like on a foot. So I sent a side profile. Apparently not satisfied, he asked for a front shot. Getting weirder, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Pic sent. He replied that I had really nice feet and big, beautiful toes (brb - urfing). I didn't respond, so he said that I thought he must be a total psycho and he promised he didn't have a foot fetish. I told him it wasn't my place to judge (yeah right!), just trying to sell the shoes. He asked if I could throw in some socks to sweeten the deal. In my naive brain, I thought he meant a new pair of socks, which was weird because you wouldn't wear socks with these shoes. I told him no and he asked if I was wearing any. I couldn't get to the 'Block' button fast enough. Icky. 

Then last night Justin sent me a message about the same shoes. But it wasn't Justin, it was his wife Tammy. She explained they use the same Facebook account, yadda yadda yadda, loves the shoes and was wondering if I could send additional pics. My Spidey senses were tingling because people don't share Facebook accounts, but again I wasn't concerned with a guy wanting the shoes - if he needed the guise of a wife, so be it. Learning my lesson from last time, I sent several different views of them and hoped 'she' wouldn't come back saying she liked my toes. Tammy took a different route and asked me to send another photo of one shoe dangling off my foot. She was even kind enough to send me a photo as an example. Not ok Tammy, NOT OK!! 

(Not sure this is worth the $20 I'm asking)