Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Merhaba Türkiye

Turns out I have quite a following in Turkey. 

Which is ironic because I'm a vegetarian. 

(Yes, that was a total groaner. And yes, I'm still laughing)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Lawn Mower Has a First Name, it's S-N-A-K-E

My lawn mower has a second name, it's K-I-L-L-E-R...........

You know that startlingly awful sound the garbage disposal makes when a spoon or a fork slips in by accident? Interestingly, that's the exact sound a lawn mower makes when it runs over a snake. 

I know, because I've done it. More than once. 

When it happened the other day, I was horrified because that poor little snake was just out for a slither, seeing what tasty morsel might be in the neighborhood and then BAM!!!!....chopped in half.  

After I was past the shock of such a violent murder I realized two things:

1. The head was still moving and 
2. I only had a vague idea of where the rest of the body wound up

While I forced myself to look for parts, I noticed the head was still moving. A lot. I was completely grossed out. Poor little snake.