Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The List

Am I the only one with an actual list of words that I deem unacceptable to use? Every time I tell someone that I hate a certain word, they look at me like I just told them I joined a polygamist sect. 

Number one on The List: Moist. Urf. I seriously HATE. THIS. WORD!!!!!! If you have to describe a cake, please says it's delicious, fantastic, delectable, superior, yummy, dope. Anything but 'moist'. 

Number two on The List: Sleeve. You're puzzled by this, I can tell. Allow me to explain:

When I was much younger, I was watching a nightly news program discussing the AIDS epidemic and how to prevent it (this was the mid '80's). They were going on and on about the necessity of condoms to keep the disease from spreading. Then my Dad came home from work and sat down to watch tv with me. Trying to act all grown up and interested in what the news was saying, I asked him what a condom was. And without missing a beat (god bless him) he said "It's a rubber sleeve that goes on a man's penis during sex." Cue mortification. From that point on, 'sleeve' was out. 

Number three on The List: Lube. I think that speaks for itself. 

Others, in no particular order:

Dong (I actually played that against my Mom in Words with Friends recently and I thought I was going to die)
Moist - did I already mention that?