I'm not a mechanic. And I don't manufacture cars. But I'm relatively certain that most cars come equipped with a gas pedal. Do you know where yours is?
If you're unsure, I urge you to take a few minutes to get acquainted with it. Because familiarizing yourself with it at 7:05am on a Tuesday, IN THE LEFT LANE, is not going to end well for you.
I know that most people classify that as 'road rage'. And my mother would say its 'aggressive'. But I like to call it "Assertive Driving". If your rear view mirror makes it appear that the front of my car is actually in your back seat, that just means I'm asserting myself and making my presence known. If I were also making hand gestures, that would be 'aggressive'. (kind of sounds like I'm trying to justify driving like an asshole, doesn't it?)
I know there are a lot of Rules of the Road to remember. So keep it simple and remember this: the left lane is the fast lane. It's not up to you to determine my speed limit in the left lane. The left lane is the FAST LANE. Put down your cell phone and drive.
And if you forget these simple rules, don't worry - I'll be behind you, asserting myself.
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