Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thank You for Pooping - A Dog Walker's Tail

Wiggle butts. Fur babies. Doggos. Four-legged children. No matter what you call them, your pets are an essential part of the family. They deserve everything good in life: treats, belly rubs, kisses, toys, and exercise. 

As a full-time dog walker, I spend my days loving on so many amazing animals - from weeks old puppies whose cuteness can make you squeal, to seniors who just want to bask in the sun and give you kisses for being by their side. Their stories are as varied as their personalities. 

Some of their humans, though… 

I was recently at a client’s home, getting all the info for an upcoming house sitting, and she was showing me around. We got to the bathroom and she said “Don’t mind the little foot stool around the toilet, that’s just my squatty potty. I’ve had terrible intestinal issues my whole life and recently had impacted bowels for the third time. I’ve tried everything to make it easier to shit, and it turns out the squatty potty actually works. You just sit down and put your feet up, and everything comes out. If you want, I can leave it there for you to try.” 

This is exactly why I prefer to work with the furry ones who don’t talk

I come home each night exhausted and sore, my own cats sniffing me up and down as if I've cheated on them (they’re quick to forgive once I open a can of Fancy Feast). I go to bed with a heart bursting with love because I get to do it all again the next day. How lucky am I? 

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