Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Marketing 101 (aka Cartoon Bears and Cannibalism)

As disturbing as it might be, I don't have a DVR (yes, I'm a dinosaur). So I actually watch a decent amount of commercials. There are two right now that I find exceptionally disturbing: Charmin and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. 

The Charmin commercials have bothered me for years. Who wants to see cartoon bears talk about the finer details of wiping your ass so as not to leave anything behind? And to illustrate the point, they show the little kid bear with pieces of toilet paper stuck to his ass. Um...not ok. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, they make the tag line "We all go. Why not enjoy the go?" Seriously, I just urfed. Charmin people - I implore you to hire a new marketing firm. 

The other, more recent commercial is for Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I couldn't even tell you what the general message is because I'm so disturbed by the animated cereal square that eats the other piece of cereal. Since when did showcasing cannibalism become effective at selling cereal?! 

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