Thursday, June 27, 2013

I'm Expecting a Flood of Wedding Invitations!

I was raised to believe that everyone is equal - regardless of race, sex, religion, ability, hair color, grammar usage, or sexual preference.

I was so convinced of these basic human rights that in 7th grade I challenged Mike Sturgeon to a Battle of the Sexes, to prove that women are just as capable as men. I don't remember who was declared the overall winner, but I do recall that I fractured his wrist when we were arm wrestling (I pulled an "Over the Top" move. Thank you Sylvester Stallone). My convictions only grew from there.

Over the past couple of years, I've heard stories of same sex couples who weren't allowed into hospital rooms to see their partners because they weren't 'family'; or of surviving partners being charged insanely high inheritance taxes because they weren't legally considered a 'surviving spouse'. Can you even imagine the emotional damage that would cause? When I hear such horrific things, I always imagine myself in their shoes and it just breaks my heart.

I can't understand why the government has ANY say when it comes to love. Love is just love.

Arrogant politicians playing "God" disgust me. (I'm still looking for an island I can move to where I can be my own government - recommendations are welcome!)

So yesterday, when the Supreme Court ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional, and then also dismissed the appeal for Prop 8 making it legal for same sex marriages in California, I was almost speechless. Elation, awe, pure joy - pick a synonym for 'happy' and I felt it. Not just because it was the right thing to do, because now ALL of my friends can experience the joy of marriage and all that comes with it.

It seems like the fight to legalize same sex marriage nationwide is picking up momentum. I hope that momentum continues and ultimately results in marriage being considered just that - marriage. Not gay marriage, not straight marriage - just marriage.

I thank the Supreme Court for doing the right thing. And I urge everyone to get involved in the fight, so that one day this will be a thing of the past, and everyone can feel safe in their love.

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