Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ahhhh, the single life!

Several years ago, I ventured into the world of online dating. I thought it would be interesting and maybe I'd actually meet someone. Until I realized the first person to view my profile was (I swear I am not making this up) a gentleman named Cletus. Whatever you're picturing - that's what he looked like. Yep, a real confidence booster.

Since then, I've tried eHarmony, Plenty of Fish, and now have a profile on To date, 176 men have viewed my Match profile, more than a few of whom are in their 50's/60's. To say that horrifies me is an understatement. And the things that some guys in my age range actually put on their profile is enough to make me want to stay single. You're a 'soul shepherd'? What the hell does that even mean?! Oh wait, you probably work at the Ganja Gourmet 'shop', right? At least you're employed...?

But my favorite, by far, is a 35 year old whose picture is so bad you can't tell if it's his really unattractive mom, or if he's battling with the decision to have the surgery. And the first line of his blurb is (again, not making this up) "My grils need a mommy. I am still bitter, but after a year I am moving on and talk about IT a lot less." First of all, sign me up. Second of all, does your computer come equipped with spell check? Because I'm just not ready to be a mommy to your grils.

Please, try to contain your jealousy.

1 comment:

  1. There are some good ones out there you just havent met!! Where the hell are they!!?? You deserve much better than that, that's for sure :)
