I acknowledge that I will likely offend some people with this post, so if you're a parent that talks about your child incessantly, you may want to stop reading right now.
I don't have kids yet, so admittedly I can't relate to the immense pride parents have in their kid(s). But I do know the feeling of being a co-worker to people who are genuinely incapable of talking about anything except their children.
Unless you're a close friend, I gotta tell you I sincerely do not care about your kids, your personal life, your marriage woes, your kid's marriage woes, or what you did over the weekend. And I'm not sure why you think I do care, because I DIDN'T ASK YOU. Nope, you just volunteered your entire life story and I have no choice but to listen to you ramble on about Junior's struggles in school and the detailed conversations you've had about it with his teachers, guidance counselors, pastor, and dog.
Here's what baffles me the most - when you're rambling on incessantly about your daughter's boyfriend's family issues and I'm looking at my computer screen and furiously typing, I'm not sure how you think that I'm even the tiniest bit interested. What about that says "Yes, tell me more!"?
To all of the over-sharers out there: please do not mistake my obligatory feigned interest for genuine must-have-every-little-morsel-of-information interest. I promise you, it really is impossible for me to care less.